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Graphene is expected to leverage a trillion-scale industrial chain
2024-07-01   Views:42

Graphene, known as the "king of new materials", is one of the thinnest nanomaterials in nature with the highest hardness and the best thermal and electrical conductivity.

In recent years, many breakthroughs have been made in the research of graphene materials. In early January this year, CCTV Finance reported that a research team composed of Georgia Institute of Technology and Tianjin University in the United States has created the world's first functional semiconductor made of graphene. Measurements show that the mobility of graphene semiconductors is 10 times that of silicon, and its birth opens new doors to breaking the performance limits of traditional silicon-based semiconductors.

According to Science and Technology Daily, in November 2023, physicists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States turned graphite or pencil lead into "gold material" by separating 5 layers of ultra-thin graphene sheets stacked in a specific order, and by adjusting the resulting material, it can show 3 important characteristics never seen in natural graphite, including insulating, magnetic or topological.

In April 2023, according to the Chinese Science Journal, Andre Geim of the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom and colleagues found that graphene has unprecedented magnetoresistance at room temperature.

In the context of a new round of industrial upgrading and scientific and technological revolution, the new material industry is regarded as the cornerstone and precursor to promote the development of high-tech industries in the future, and will have a broad and profound impact on the development of global economy, science and technology, environment and other fields.

According to the official website of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Liu Zhongfan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that the "versatile" nature of graphene makes people have infinite imagination for its broad application prospects, and some scientists believe that one of the biggest subversive things in the future technological revolution may be that graphene replaces silicon as the basic material of information technology. Graphene also has the potential to shine in areas such as energy, transportation, aerospace, flexible electronics and healthcare. China is a large country of graphite resources, and one of the most active countries in graphene research and application development, and some experts predict that graphene will leverage a trillion-level industrial chain every year in the future.

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